Friday, June 26, 2009

The Weight of Afghanistan: The Problem with Withdrawal

Congressional republicans and some democrats continue to gripe about Obama’s desire to increase troop levels in Afghanistan. However, the U.S. President is acting in the best interest of the United States and the international community. The cost may be high in Afghanistan, in lives and in capital, but it is worth it.

Critics of the president’s policy implore Obama to begin operations that would eventually withdraw troops from Afghanistan. These dissenters have a tenable argument. They postulate that the foreseeable outcome of the war is cloudy and could last for decades. However, in Obama’s defense, the rebuttal holds more water.

The United States is situated in Afghanistan for the purpose of removing the outdated and brutal Taliban regime as well as protecting Pakistan from increasing militancy that could trickle across the boarder from Afghanistan. The problem with withdrawing is that it places too high of a risk of Afghani Taliban siding with Pakistani militants in the tribal areas to topple the already weak and dysfunctional Pakistani government. What would transpire is militants, the Taliban and possibly al-Qaeda getting their hands on one of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. The outcome of such a horrific premonition cannot be accurately exaggerated.

The Watcher argues that the weight of Afghanistan exceeds scale limits to remain. Yes, the war is uncertain, but all wars are. The region welcomes needed change in military operations and strategy. Senator Charles Grassley, a republican from Iowa once said, “The life-blood of any criminal organization or enterprise is money. Whether engaged in drug dealing or terrorism, criminals cannot operate without money.” The Taliban primarily operate by the funds received by their illegal opium drug-trade. If U.S. forces deplete this resource and place higher tariffs on opium imports from Afghanistan, ISAF forces would have made a long-term dent in Taliban operations and turn the tide of the war.

Congressional republicans and some democrats need to have faith in Mr. Obama. Also, Obama needs to put more pressure on allies to do more in Afghanistan. The world looked on in horror a few months ago at the Taliban and tribal style of punishment for women: a 16-year-old girl, flogged in the street by her male elders for getting married without parental permission. Humanity cannot allow such brutality to subsist in this world. The international community needs to do more to reinforce U.S. efforts, for Mr. Obama is on the right path.

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